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terms and conditions

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This document provides a summary of the Conditions of Use that apply to all users and visitors of our website as well as any other associated websites, digital services, or applications that contain a link to these Terms of Use.

Your use of the Codecraft innovation is subject to these Terms of Use and any additional terms that may be posted on the page from which you were linked to these Terms of Use. You agree to be bound by the Conditions of Use in force at the time you access the Codecraft innovation. Please keep in mind that these conditions of use are in addition to any laws that may be present in your nation.

The Codecraft innovation content, including the information and materials therein, is subject to change at any moment and without prior notice. According to our sole discretion, we have the right to periodically introduce new features to the Codecraft innovation or remove existing ones. You will be deemed to have accepted the Terms of Use as changed if you continue to access the Codecraft innovation after any changes to these Terms of Use.

Do not use the Codecraft innovation if you do not agree to be governed by these Terms of Use.


Codecraft innovation’s information, materials, and data are provided for your convenience. The material is not intended to be, and should not be understood to be, a solicitation, offer, or suggestion to purchase or sell any investment instruments, to carry out any transactions, or to complete any sort of legal act.

Codecraft innovation just lists the several services we offer; it makes no recommendations to you regarding which service you should use. We respectfully ask that you get in touch with us to confirm the type of service you'll need. The services will only be rendered when you've signed a legally binding contract with us.

Statements on the Codecraft innovation could be "forward-looking statements." Although Codecraft innovation may have made these forward-looking statements in good faith, actual developments and outcomes could differ considerably from Codecraft innovation expectations due to a number of risks, uncertainties, and other crucial factors. Codecraft innovation is not obligated to update or modify any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future developments, or other factors, and expressly disclaims any such responsibility to do so.


The Codecraft innovation and all information and functionalities therein are not intended for use by, or directed at, individuals residing in, any jurisdiction in which: (1) the distribution of such information or functionalities is unlawful under the laws of such jurisdiction; or (2) such distribution is prohibited absent obtaining the required licenses or authorizations from, the relevant branch, subsidiary, or affiliate office of Codecraft innovation, and such licenses or authorizations are issued by the relevant branch, subsidiary, or affiliate office of Codecraft innovation.


The Codecraft innovation is used at the user's own risk. (URL) is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis without any representations or warranties of any kind. This includes all of the information, content, and materials found there. You do so at your own risk and Codecraft innovation disclaims all liability for any harm to your computer systems or data loss resulting from the access, download, or other acquisition of any materials, information, or content through the use of the Codecraft innovation. With regard to the Codecraft innovation and all of the materials, information, content, and functionalities contained therein, Codecraft innovation and its affiliates expressly disclaim any and all representations and warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of title, non-infringement, merchantability, and fitness for a particular purpose. Without limiting the aforementioned, Codecraft innovation does not guarantee the reliability, security, timeliness, accuracy, or availability of the Codecraft innovation or the data or outcomes obtained from using the Codecraft innovation, nor does it guarantee that the Codecraft innovation will always be accessible or free from errors or viruses.

The contents are not a complete description of the services mentioned here, nor are any stated or implied representations or warranties made regarding their correctness, completeness, or dependability. Recipients should not take the contents as a replacement for using their own discretion. Any opinions are subject to change without notice and may be opposed to those held by other Codecraft innovation business units or groups due to the use of differing underlying assumptions and standards. Codecraft innovation is not obligated to update or keep current the information provided here, delete any information that is out-of-date from the Codecraft innovation, or explicitly mark it as such.


To the fullest extent permitted by law, Codecraft innovation and our affiliates, as well as any of our directors, employees, contractors, service providers, or agents, disclaim all responsibility for any direct or indirect loss, liability, cost, claim, expense, or damage of any kind resulting from or connected with the use of the entire Codecraft innovation or any links to other websites, whether in contract, tort, including negligence, or otherwise.

You are solely responsible for purchasing and maintaining any electronic devices and equipment necessary for you to access and use Codecraft innovation. You must also take reasonable and necessary data security precautions in accordance with industry standards to safeguard yourself against fraud and ongoing cyberattacks (e.g. by using the most recent browser versions, and installing recommended security patches and up-to-date anti-virus programs and firewalls). Codecraft innovation expressly disclaims all responsibility for unauthorized parties interfering with users' computer systems or for any losses or liabilities incurred by users as a result of viruses or hacker attacks.

Codecraft innovation, our affiliates, or any of our officers, directors, employees, contractors, service providers, or agents will never be held responsible for incidental, special, punitive, or consequential damages of any kind resulting from the use of, or the inability to use, the Codecraft innovation or its content.

This limitation of liability applies to any and all losses, damages, or injuries, including those brought on by any breach of contract, tortious behavior, negligence, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, communication line failure, theft, destruction, or unauthorized access.


The Codecraft innovation can include links to or content from other people's websites. These materials and links are just being made available for your information and convenience. Codecraft innovation has no control over, accepts no liability for, and disclaims all warranties and representations regarding any information or websites that belong to third parties, including without limitation its timeliness, accuracy, quality, or subject matter. Codecraft innovation disclaims any responsibility for any content or websites belonging to third parties, including those that link to or frame the Codecraft innovation.


All information and content (including all text, data, visuals, and logos) on the Codecraft innovation is owned by Codecraft innovation or the relevant third-party owner. This ownership includes all copyrights, trademarks, patents, and other intellectual property rights. The Codecraft innovation 's pages and/or parts can be printed off for private or internal use only, providing that the printouts keep all relevant copyright or other proprietary markings.

Without the prior written consent of Codecraft innovation, all users are strictly prohibited from altering any information, text, graphics, images, video clips, directories, databases, listings, or software obtained from the Codecraft innovation for commercial or public purposes, including but not limited to copying, transmitting, distributing, displaying, performing, reproducing, publishing, licensing, framing, creating derivative works from, transferring, or using in any other way, whether in whole or in part. Without the previous written consent of Codecraft innovation, it is strictly forbidden to make connections to the Codecraft innovation or perform systematic content retrieval from the Codecraft innovation in order to create or compile, directly or indirectly, a collection, compilation, database, or directory.

One of Codecraft innovation registered trademarks is the sign. Other trademarks could belong to their respective owners. Except as stated above, Codecraft innovation trademarks may not be used in any way without the company's express written consent.


The Website can include sponsorship and advertising. It is the responsibility of advertisers and sponsors to ensure that content submitted for inclusion on the Site complies with all applicable local, state, and federal laws. Any error or inaccuracy in advertising copy is not our responsibility.


Another one of our top concerns is to strengthen protection for children who use the internet. We admonish parents and guardians to observe, participate in, supervise, and/or control their children's online activities.

The Codecraft innovation Developers do not knowingly ask anyone under the age of 18 to provide any Personal Identifiable Information. If you think your child may have shared this kind of information on our website, we strongly encourage you to get in touch with us right away. We will make every attempt to quickly delete any such content.


We are aware of how crucial secrecy is to the effective planning, formation, and operation of your firm. Because of this, we won't use, disclose, or communicate to anyone any confidential information pertaining to the business or affairs of any customer, prospective customer, supplier, or supplier of Codecraft innovation, or any of our international distributors, unless it may be required by law or by any legal or regulatory authority. We will all make every effort to prevent the release or publishing of any confidential information pertaining to these concerns.


Without regard to considerations of conflicts of law, the substantive law of India shall govern this Agreement and be used in its interpretation. All issues arising out of this Agreement shall be decided solely by the courts located in India.


Codecraft innovation maintains the right, at any time, and at its sole discretion, to change, amend, add, or remove all or any portion of these Conditions of Use. The changes will be posted on the website. But, we will continue to uphold our commitment to protecting website visitors' privacy.