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Refund Policy

Home / Refund Policy

Our refund policy was created to outline the circumstances under which Codecraft innovation will issue a refund, the process for requesting a refund, and Codecraft innovation's obligations in scenarios when a refund claim is made. You are stating that you understand and agree with all of the terms and conditions listed in the refund policy by signing up for any of our services.

All of the data we gather is used to improve the information on our website, tell visitors when there are updates, or investigate issues with customer requests. If you would prefer not to receive emails from us in the future, kindly let us know by email.


Refunds made by Codecraft innovation, an India creative digital agency, and/or websites owned and operated by Codecraft innovation are covered by our refund policy.

Companies that are not owned or controlled by Codecraft innovation, as well as individuals who are not managed or hired by Codecraft innovation, are not subject to the terms of this policy. If you ever feel unsatisfied with our product or services, you have the right to ask for a refund. If a client is unhappy with our services, we can provide a refund in 5-7 days.

In Certain Instances: -

  1. InformWe are unable to provide compensation for services that have already been rendered.
  2. Administrative expenses, installation fees, and taxes spent on services evaluated by regulatory bodies won't be reimbursed.
  3. If a service is discontinued due to a customer's violation of the terms and conditions outlined in our Terms & Conditions section, we are unable to give refunds.
  4. Please be advised that some services offered at promotional discounts on holidays cannot be canceled or refunded.